Gut Origin of Methylation Problems

Have you ever considered that gut bacteria can influence your genes? That thought might sound strange, but that is exactly what the latest research is showing us. It is becoming ever more apparent that who and what lives in our gut has a huge influence on our methylation cycle. The compounds that come from the…

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MTHFR and the Stress Gut Connection

This video series is dedicated to answering two very important questions. The first question is “How does our gut health influence the health of the rest of the body?”. The second question is “Why do supplements, esp. methylation nutrients, make my symptoms WORSE?” These are questions which come up again and again in the minds…

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Pain from the Grain – Going Gluten Free

Gluten free is everywhere in healthcare today. The question is often asked: What is gluten and why is it a problem? This entertaining and informative presentation will help you answer these questions and more. Listen to Dr. Rostenberg explain the finer points of gluten-sensitivity and how it impacts multiple areas of your body – everything…

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